
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bedford last push 

The Tories seem to be taking the Bedford Mayor by-election fairly seriously - national Tory Party chair Pickes was canvassing yesterday. We know this as he canvassed a strong LD supporter and she promptly phoned in the Tory doorstep script to LD campaign HQ. Strangely, despite having a huge LD stakebard in her front garden Pickles seemed unaware of how she might be voting. Anyway, the Tory line is 'send Gordon Brown a message'.

Bedford voters however might be sending the message that they want a competent and hard-working Mayor to handle the problems in the new Unitary Authority. Which gives our candidate Dave Hodgson a real chance of a win.

I will be on the Bedford streets at 5am Thursday. Listen out for feeding back hearing aids and hope these dont set of too many dogs.


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