Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Glad to see the Solicitor-General plans to take a stand on Human Trafficking even though the UK failed to ratify an EU directive on this very subject. Apparently she will be addressing a meeting of EUROJUST on this theme. Meanwhile the Council of Europe has a new convention on trafficking opening for ratification.
This is a deadly traffic. I recall acting as a go-between several years ago for Lithuanian wutnesses of trafficking (to western Europe via Lithuania) to make contact with Danish Television, who were researching this subject. The witnesses were in real fear of their safety, possibly their lives. The Council of Europe says :
"The Committee on action against trafficking in human beings aims at drawing up a European Convention on action against trafficking in human beings. This instrument is expected to be a practical tool of international co-operation, which will be geared towards the protection of victims' rights and the respect for human rights. It will aim at a proper balance between matters concerning human rights and prosecution. "
I note that Statewatch has concerns about the approach taken by EUROJUST (particularly Europe-wide arrest warrents) and given the UK Labour Government's appaling and cavalier attitude to fundamental civil rights Liberals across Europe need to keep the Solicitor-General's initiatives under careful scrutiny. But something constructive and necessary may come of this.
Glad to see the Solicitor-General plans to take a stand on Human Trafficking even though the UK failed to ratify an EU directive on this very subject. Apparently she will be addressing a meeting of EUROJUST on this theme. Meanwhile the Council of Europe has a new convention on trafficking opening for ratification.
This is a deadly traffic. I recall acting as a go-between several years ago for Lithuanian wutnesses of trafficking (to western Europe via Lithuania) to make contact with Danish Television, who were researching this subject. The witnesses were in real fear of their safety, possibly their lives. The Council of Europe says :
"The Committee on action against trafficking in human beings aims at drawing up a European Convention on action against trafficking in human beings. This instrument is expected to be a practical tool of international co-operation, which will be geared towards the protection of victims' rights and the respect for human rights. It will aim at a proper balance between matters concerning human rights and prosecution. "
I note that Statewatch has concerns about the approach taken by EUROJUST (particularly Europe-wide arrest warrents) and given the UK Labour Government's appaling and cavalier attitude to fundamental civil rights Liberals across Europe need to keep the Solicitor-General's initiatives under careful scrutiny. But something constructive and necessary may come of this.
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